August is here and according to the Met Office, and during this period there will largely be “a mixture of sunny spells and showers.” With this in mind, try and make sure you are well prepared by following our five rainy dog walking tips below. We hope you find these helpful!
Waterproof Clothing
Waterproof clothing is a must have for any seasoned dog walker! Before your dog walk, it is advised to always check the weather forecast and dress accordingly. Waterproof clothing helps keep you nice and dry if you happen to find yourself caught in a storm. Likewise, wellies are also a great choice and will hopefully keep your feet nice and dry as you venture over muddy puddles and wet terrain.
Mirror your Dog
If you are on a dog walk and it has been heavily raining and the ground is wet and muddy, try and mirror your dog’s behaviour by really connecting with the natural environment around you! Mirror your canine companion by taking in as many smells and textures as you can the next time you find yourself walking through a muddy marsh or green woodland. Perhaps also try to embrace your inner child and splash in as many muddy puddles as you can and really connect with nature. Being mindful of your environment can really help boost your body’s natural endorphins and help better connect you to your natural habitats.
Neutralise Bad Odours
Many owners are familiar with the smell of a wet dog. No matter how much we love them, there is no denying the fact that their coats can smell when they become wet. Unfortunately, many owners become nose blind to their dog’s odour once they have dried them and returned home after a walk. However for visitors entering your home, they may be able to detect this distinct and lingering odour. A great way of eliminating this smell is by bathing your dog using scented organic dog shampoo. Once dry their coats can smell fresh and clean and the lingering smell of wet dog is usually eliminated. Some dog owners go even further to neutralise the odour by spraying their homes with safe nontoxic air fresheners or by lighting scented candles that are also animal friendly and nontoxic.
Neon Glow
If you decide to go on an late evening dog walk this August, then you may want to consider wearing a reflective vest. Reflective vests can help protect you from any passing vehicles or cyclists when you are out walking your dog at night. Wearing a reflective vest will make you easily visible to others and add to you and your dog’s safety. Some dog owners go a step further and clothe their dogs in a reflective vest too or one that is waterproof so they can also keep nice and dry. Always check to see if your dog likes wearing them first and never force them to wear anything that will cause them distress. However, if your dog is happy wearing a waterproof vest then there are some really nice breathable ones available which cover their torso and limbs and stop a lot of mud getting on to their coats.
Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.
Experienced owners will always get prepared for any dog walk. If you are driving to the park or countryside, keep a clean towel in your car to dry off any excess water and always make sure your boots and seats are covered by sheets or towels. If it is a particularly rainy but warm August day, then always have water available for your dog so they can stay hydrated. Likewise, a thermal flask or a water bottle and a delicious packed lunch can be a great way of keeping up your energy levels on any dog walk.
Final thoughts…
Hopefully you found this article helpful. Walking your dog in the rain can be lots of fun and can help to create a strong dog bonding experience for any owner. Let us know how you found this article and your own personal tips for walking a dog in the rain.