Temporary Christmas Vacancies

We will require temporary animal care workers over the busy Christmas and New Year holiday period. If you are interested – APPLY NOW! You need to be confident working with cats and dogs. You also need to enjoy working outdoors. Early shift starts at 7.00 am – late shift finishes 7.00 pm. Please check your transport […]

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Temporary Christmas Vacancies

We will require temporary animal care workers over the busy Christmas and New Year holiday period. If you are interested – APPLY NOW! You need to be confident working with cats and dogs. You also need to enjoy working outdoors. Early shift starts at 7.00 am – late shift finishes 7.00 pm. Please check your transport […]

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Availability at Christmas

29th October – We now only have two luxury suites available for the Christmas period so contact us now so as not to be disappointed. Standard kennels and cattery pens are also filling up – don’t leave it too long. 30th October – All luxury suites now taken on 27th December. Book quickly now for […]

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Countryside Dog Park

We have been working with CSA Environmental Planning Consultants of Ashwell to develop plans to take our Dog Park to the next level. We want our dog park to become an even more pleasant place to visit, easier to access, sympathetic to wildlife and the landscape. Country Dog Park proposal

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Newsletter – April 2015

Staff News Collette has left us to take up a post training animals on a full time basis. Emma has been appointed Manager and Rhian Parslow has joined us as her deputy. Website Our website has a new look to give a better experience over a range of devices. Try it out at www.countryboardingkennels.co.uk New […]

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