4 Highest Reviewed Flea Products for Cats and Dogs on Amazon

Many owners will agree, that fleas can be a persistent nuisance for our beloved furry friends. These tiny, agile pests not only cause discomfort but if left untreated, can also lead to various health issues. Fortunately, there are several highly effective flea products on the market designed to combat these pesky intruders and ensure our […]

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How to spend the Perfect Autumnal Day and Evening with Your Furry Friend

As we step into autumn and the surrounding woodlands and parks are transformed into a palette of warm reds and yellow hues, make the most of this season with with your beloved canine companion by your side. At Country Boarding for Cats and Dogs, we have highlighted three unique ways to create an unforgettable autumnal […]

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World Mental Health Awareness Month: How Owning a Cat and Dog Can Improve your Well-being

October marks World Mental Health Awareness Month, a crucial time for individuals worldwide to focus on their well-being and that of others. One often overlooked source of support for better mental health is the companionship of a furry friend, particularly dogs and cats. At Country Boarding for Cats and Dogs, we have highlighted three benefits […]

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